Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Interim Report

Hi Mom and Dad!
This is my interim report for the Human Kinetics Coop.

So far, the highlights for me have been: 
Being able to go on so many field trips and make learning fun.  

I am the most proud of:
Completing the grouse grind in 52 minutes.

The most interesting things I have learned about are:
How the human heart operates and how our circulatory and respiratory are related.

An example of when I really pushed myself in SuperFit is:
During the extended beep test

I could make improvements in:
Being more involved in the class

I am really looking forward to:
Going to Extreme Air Park if we can and 

The Basics - WORK HABITS:

Attendance (classes missed and why) - 
Never missed class. Only missed Super fit for school soccer games

Participation in field trips (woo kim, grouse grind, rock climbing) -
Fully participated in all

Lates (how many & reasons) -
Never have been late
Preparedness for class (gym strip &/or supplies) -
Always prepared for class
Class time management (are you using your class time to complete your work?  engaged in class discussion? participating? following along? doing your best? or talking too much? ) -
Use class time to complete work efficiently
Blog assignment completion - (out of 8 assignments) Comments?
All completed
Self evaluation of work habits for each class in coop - G/S/N

Biology 12: G
Exercise Science 12: G
Super Fit 12: G

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