Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goldstone PE project Final Reflection

In our last week of our Goldstone PE buddy project, we need to reflect of our experience both as PE leaders and PE buddies.  Your buddies will miss you - Ms. Sader says that her class talks about their big buddies all the time & that her students bring things from home that they want to show you.  How great is that!  You all really have an impact on these kids!

Complete this as a blog post or on paper - either format is due today.

PE leaders - 
1.  What adjustments and improvements did you make in your lessons (structure, activities, organization, instructions) from the first lesson to the last one?

Some improvements and adjustments we made during our lessons was to allow our class join with the kids to make the lesson more fun for everyone.

2.  What was the biggest challenge for your group?  For you?

The biggest challenge was think of games that the kids were going to enjoy because we did not want to disappoint the kids by giving them a game lesson that they did not have fun with. The biggest challenge for me was being able to match the energy level of the kids in which I vastly improved with overtime.

3.  Describe your favourite moment as a leader and explain why.

My favourite moment as a leader was seeing the faces of the kids last day and seeing their red cheeks and tired expression knowing they were tired but they were smiling. It gives me joy to know that the kids had fun.

4. What do you still need to work on?  What improvements would you make if you were continuing teaching for another month?

I would work on how to give proper instructions to the kids because that was my problem. I need to learn how to speak in a simplifying manner to make the kids understand because they are still kids so they will not understand me when I use complicated words.

PE Buddies -
1.  What are some of the things that you learned being a PE buddy?

I learned how the minds of the kids think which makes it easier for me to relate to them. I learned what kind of things they found funny and what they found interesting. When you have this information with you then bonding with your buddy becomes much easier.

2.  Did your comfort level change over the course of the month?  Why or why not?

My comfort level did change over the course of the month because I became used to teaching and being an older buddy overtime. Time was an important factor for the buddies to get used to me and for me to really make a connection with them.

3.  What was your favourite part of being a buddy?  Be specific.

My favourite part about being a buddy was seeing the huge smile of my buddies chase me during freeze tag. It meant the world to them being able to tag me.

In conclusion -
Rate the following:

Your group -
Lesson planning  5/5
Organization  5/5
Instructional clarity  4/5
Team work   5/5
Improvement  5/5

You -
Interaction with buddy  9/10
Improvement on your goal  5/5

Comments: At the start, I was a bit nervous as well as my buddy or buddies were with me, but spending time with them really got me to grow close with them and so leaving them the last day was really saddening for me.

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