Monday, January 19, 2015

How iron deficiency affects muscles

Iron deficiency anemia can be a very serious problem especially to athletes or weight lifters. Iron is part of hemoglobin which is a protein that transports oxygen to your entire body. Imagine if you start losing iron, oxygen will have a hard time getting your muscles or other parts of your body. How this affects athletes or bodybuilders specifically is that losing iron will cause irritation. In fact, the athlete or bodybuilder can lose interest entirely in the exercise or workout due to lack of iron. What is funny is that exercising is supposed to be good for your body, however it can harmful as well if your overdo it or overtrain. Trust me, it is possible. The reason being is that your iron stores will run out and your muscles will just give up on their own overtime. So to all you athletes and bodybuilders out there, take care of yourselves and don't overdo it.
Why I chose to post this is because people are always saying to push yourself past your limits, but that can be harmful to one also.

for more information,visit the link below.

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