Friday, January 9, 2015

PKD kidney disease

PKD stands for Polycystic Kidney disease which is a disease that runs in families. What a cyst is a large fluid filled sac. What this cyst does is replace the tissues of your kidney. It enlarges the kidney and causes the kidney to function poorly. This disease is genetically passed down from your parents. If you are left with close 10- 15% of kidney function, your kidney can fail.This will mean you will either have to have a kidney replacement or go through dialsys which getting your blood taken from you, being filtrated by a machine, and then put back into you. About 600 000 people have this disease so it is common. Ways to treat it are taking pain medication or blood pressure medications as well. This disease can affect the liver as well.

This is what a kidney full of cysts looks like.

For more information, go to the link below.
Polycystic Kidney disease

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