Friday, November 7, 2014

Common Soccer knee injuries

    Soccer is definitely a fun sport to play, but it  does not mean it is entirely safe to play; no sport is. Common injuries that occur in soccer usually or mostly involves the leg area which majority of the game requires to be used. Some of these injuries include fractured knees, broken or fractured tibia or fibula, fractured or dislocated patella, or a broken femur. However one of the most serious injuries to occur is tearing the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Your ACL is located deep within your patella connecting the tibia (shinbone) to the femur. the main function of it is to prevent the tibia moving to far forward or stretching too wide, and providing stability to the knee.

     Typical ways to injure in soccer is to land awkwardly from jumping, being kicked by the cleat on the patella, stretching the leg to far, or an awkward movement the body was stretched awkwardly or bent in some way. This truely is a serious injury as it takes from 8 months to a year to recover and it does require surgery as it does not recover on its own.


  1. After reading this, I feel like I gained a lot of knowledge that I can give away to my friends who do play soccer. So they can be safe and not injure themselves!

  2. I knew that an ACL injury is awful however I did not actually know what it was, until now.

  3. i go to soccer games all the time, now i am able to give them tips! really fascinating good job!

  4. playing soccer luckily i havent suffered from any of these injuries but good to know what causes them and learned a lot more today!
