Friday, November 14, 2014

Exercise Science Fitness Assignment

9My personal fitness goal is to increase my strength which probably fits under muscular endurance. It does count as some muscular strength as well. My plan is to go to the ymca in the mornings and work on bench press, squats, overhead press, deadlifts, pull ups, and barbell rolls. I plan to do a daily rotation routine. I will do squats and deadlifts one day, chinups and shoulder press the next day, and bench press and barbell rows the third day. I plan to go three times a week to complete each exercise.
This is where I get my idea from.
Click on this
Tuesday, November 18: squats with weights on bar, and deadlifts.
Wednesday, Nobember 19: shoulder press.
Monday, November 24: bench press
Wednesday, November 26: bench press, squats, and deadlifts
Friday, November 28: barbell rows, overhead press, and chinups
Monday, December 1: bench press, squats, and deadlifts
Wednesday, December 3: overhead press, barbell row and chinups
Friday, December 5: bench press, squats, barbell rows, and chinups
Wednesday, December 10: overhead press, deadlifts, and chinups
Friday, December 12: overhead press, deadlifts, and chinups
Monday, December 15: bench press, squats, and barbell rows

Before these weeks, my initial testing was pushups for which I first did 20.
After these weeks, I was able to go up to 33 pushups.

1 comment:

  1. Cool - I like the link. It's interesting that you have changed your focus from the last 2 years... I can't wait to see if you like it and see any results.
